​Karen Allwright
Canine & Equine
Osteopath EDO
+351 914 382 342

Canine Osteopathy
Whether your dog is a family pet, working or agility dog, Karen is able to help your dog reach their optimum level of health, having completed the post graduate course in Canine Osteopathy at the Vluggen Institute in Germany.
Canine Osteopathy is a manual therapy based on scientific research to improve overall function, and to restore mobility and natural balance of the body. Gentle techniques are used to remove restrictions from the joints, muscles, and especially the organs, in order to improve the dog's structural, functional and physiological wellbeing. It helps restore neurology and blood flow to the whole body, in addition to removing any blockages in joints, muscles and organs. Unlike Equine Osteopathy, the dog's abdomen is much softer to palpate, making it possible to isolate and mobilize individual structures (organs, blood vessels, sphincters and ligaments) to help restore organ function.
In addition to having a preventative effect when used as a maintenance treatment, Canine Osteopathy is particularly helpful for:
Stiffness, lameness or arthritis
Pain or discomfort following an accident or trauma
Jaw restrictions
Mobility after dental or other surgery e.g. castration/spaying
Performance issues with agility dogs
Digestive or metabolic issues
Breed related problems
Reproduction issues
Skin health